LeatherStocking Corvette Club Bylaws
Section 1 Name
The name of the Club shall be the Leatherstocking Corvette Club (LCC).
Section 2 Purpose
The general purposes of the Club shall be to encourage planned trips, events and social activities for members of the Corvette Club, to provide and regulate events and exhibitions for Corvette owners, and to encourage careful and skillful driving on public highways.
Section 1 Member
Membership in the Club shall be restricted to owners (single or couple) of Corvettes and have the approval of four-fifths of the club officers.
Section 2 Classes of Membership
a. Active-any person duly elected as provided in Section 1 of this article and having paid such annual dues and fees as required.
b. Associate-former LCC member who no longer owns a Corvette
c. Honorary-Any person who has commended themselves to Club esteem or who may be elected by the majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting.
d. Charter-All active members who pay their first year dues on or before September 01, 2004.
Section 3 Dues
a. Honorary - None
b. Membership: $20.00 for a single, $30.00 for a couple. This applies to:
Charter Members
Active Members
Associate Members
c. Payment of Dues - The annual dues of active members shall be payable thirty days after billing by the Treasurer of the club.
Section 4 Privileges
Active members are entitled to all Club privileges. Honorary and Associate members are entitled to all Club privileges, except that they shall not have the right to vote or hold office.
Section 5 Expulsion
Membership will automatically lapse for non-payment of dues. Any member may be expelled for infraction of the Club rules, or such other causes as may be determined by the majority of the officers as being in the best interests of the Club. However, before such action is taken, the member shall have the opportunity of submitting in writing or in person his position on any charge of which he shall be notified.
Section 6 Resignation
Any member may resign by directing a letter of resignation to the Secretary. His/Her resignation shall be effective upon receipt, provided all indebtedness to the Club is paid.
Section 1 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the members shall be held the third Wednesday in September of each year for nomination of officers, reports of officers and committees and such other business as lawfully may come before the meeting.
Section 2 Monthly Meetings
Regular monthly meeting shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month.
Section 3 Special Meetings
In addition to any provisions of the Law, special meetings of the members may be called by the President or by a majority of the officers.
Section 4 Notice of Meeting
Notice of meetings, stating the place, day, hour and purpose of any meeting of the members, including special meetings, shall be given by the Secretary and sent not less than seven days nor more than ten days before such meetings to each member.
Section 5
At all slated meetings of the members, one-third of the active members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6
All action except election of officers and amendment of the By-Laws shall be by majority of those present voting. Except as hereafter provided, voting by proxy or absentee ballot shall not be allowed except with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors in accordance with the rules they prescribe and with notice to all members.
Section 1 Board of Directors
The membership at large shall elect six (6) active members to serve as a Board of
Directors: they shall serve two years, three being elected every other year.
Section 2 Officers
The membership shall elect from its body a President. Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 3 Nominations for officers shall he held every two years starting with 2018 elections at the September meeting.
Section 4 Election of officers shall he held at the regular October meeting with newly elected officers assuming their duties in November.
Section 1 Duties of the President
The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and Board of Directors and shall perform the duties pertaining to the office. He/She may call special meetings of the members under the provisions of Article III. He/She shall be the Chief Executive of the Club.
Section 2 Duties of the Vice-President
In the absence of the president or in the case of his/her death, resignation or inability to act, the Vice-President shall perform the duties usually appertaining to that office. He/She shall also serve as Chairman of the Activities Committee and shall appoint two other members to this committee.
Section 3 Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and Directors and shall record all minutes and votes in a book kept for this purpose. He/She shall keep an up-to-date roll of all Club Members. Shall give all notices of meetings of the members required by law or these By-Laws and shall perform all duties incident to this office, required by law or by the majority vote of the Board of Directors. He/She shall have the custody of the Club’s records. In the absence of the Secretary from any of the said meetings, the presiding officer pro tempore shall choose a Secretary.
Section 4 Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall, subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be made by the Board of Directors, have custody of all moneys, debts and obligations belonging to the Club. He/She shall make all payments of Club debts upon approval of the Board of Directors. All contracts, checks, drafts, note or other orders for payment of money shall he signed in the name of the club by the Treasurer and counter-signed by the President or Vice-President. He/She shall give bond, at club expense, if required by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall give a report on the financial status of the Club at the Annual Meeting and monthly meetings, and if so requested, at any other meeting of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer without the specific approval of the Board of Directors shall incur no obligation, debt or other liability.
Section 5 Duties of the Officer-at Large
The Officer-at-Large shall serve on the Board of Directors. He/She shall also serve as Public Relations Chairman, having the privileges to appoint any associates, as he/she deems necessary. The Officer-at-Large shall perform all other duties, as the President shall see fit.
Section 1 Appointment of Committees
The President shall appoint such committees as he/she finds desirable from time to time and shall outline the duties and responsibilities of such committees. All reports or action taken by a committee must be voted by a majority of the entire committee. In addition to the authority granted above, certain standing committees, as set forth, shall be appointed annually by the Vice-President.
Section 2 Activities
The activities of the club shall consist of planned trips, social gatherings and events for Corvette Owners and Honorary Associate members as planned by the Activities Committee and other members appointed by them.
Section 1 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Club shall be from October 1st to September 30th
Section 1 Personal Liability
All persons or corporation extending credit to, contracting with, or having any claim against the Club or its Board of Directors, shall look only to the funds and property of the Club for payment of such contract or claim or for payment of any debt, damage, judgment or decree, or any other money that may otherwise become due or payable to them from the corporation or the Board of Directors, so that neither the members of the Club, the Board of Directors, present or future, shall be liable personally therefore.
Section 1 Amendment to the By-Laws
The Board of Directors of the Club, or any ten Active Members in good standing, by written proposals submitted to the Secretary, may propose an amendment to the By-Laws. Upon such proposal being made, a copy thereof shall be included in the notice of the next meeting of the members. If two-thirds of the members qualified to vote, vote in favor of the proposal at the meeting, the proposed amendment shall thereby be approved and adopted.
Article II Section 1 Member: changed “owners of Corvettes” to “owners (single or couple) of Corvettes” and”, removed “Applicants must”Article II Section 2 Class of Membership par. b Associate: removed “and/or NCC”.Article II Section 3 Dues par. b Membership: removed “First year”, changed “$45.00” to “$20.00”, changed “$55.00” to “$30.00”, changed “for single “ to “for a single”, changed “family” to “for a couple” and removed “subsequent years $35.00 for single $45.00 family”.
Article IV Section 2 Officers: removed “Governor”.
Article V Section 5 Duties of the Governor: removed whole paragraph.
Article V Section 6 Duties of the Officer-at Large: changed to Section 5.
Article IV Section 3 Added “every two years starting with 2018 elections”.
Revised 11/05 2018
Section 1 Name
The name of the Club shall be the Leatherstocking Corvette Club (LCC).
Section 2 Purpose
The general purposes of the Club shall be to encourage planned trips, events and social activities for members of the Corvette Club, to provide and regulate events and exhibitions for Corvette owners, and to encourage careful and skillful driving on public highways.
Section 1 Member
Membership in the Club shall be restricted to owners (single or couple) of Corvettes and have the approval of four-fifths of the club officers.
Section 2 Classes of Membership
a. Active-any person duly elected as provided in Section 1 of this article and having paid such annual dues and fees as required.
b. Associate-former LCC member who no longer owns a Corvette
c. Honorary-Any person who has commended themselves to Club esteem or who may be elected by the majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting.
d. Charter-All active members who pay their first year dues on or before September 01, 2004.
Section 3 Dues
a. Honorary - None
b. Membership: $20.00 for a single, $30.00 for a couple. This applies to:
Charter Members
Active Members
Associate Members
c. Payment of Dues - The annual dues of active members shall be payable thirty days after billing by the Treasurer of the club.
Section 4 Privileges
Active members are entitled to all Club privileges. Honorary and Associate members are entitled to all Club privileges, except that they shall not have the right to vote or hold office.
Section 5 Expulsion
Membership will automatically lapse for non-payment of dues. Any member may be expelled for infraction of the Club rules, or such other causes as may be determined by the majority of the officers as being in the best interests of the Club. However, before such action is taken, the member shall have the opportunity of submitting in writing or in person his position on any charge of which he shall be notified.
Section 6 Resignation
Any member may resign by directing a letter of resignation to the Secretary. His/Her resignation shall be effective upon receipt, provided all indebtedness to the Club is paid.
Section 1 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the members shall be held the third Wednesday in September of each year for nomination of officers, reports of officers and committees and such other business as lawfully may come before the meeting.
Section 2 Monthly Meetings
Regular monthly meeting shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month.
Section 3 Special Meetings
In addition to any provisions of the Law, special meetings of the members may be called by the President or by a majority of the officers.
Section 4 Notice of Meeting
Notice of meetings, stating the place, day, hour and purpose of any meeting of the members, including special meetings, shall be given by the Secretary and sent not less than seven days nor more than ten days before such meetings to each member.
Section 5
At all slated meetings of the members, one-third of the active members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6
All action except election of officers and amendment of the By-Laws shall be by majority of those present voting. Except as hereafter provided, voting by proxy or absentee ballot shall not be allowed except with the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors in accordance with the rules they prescribe and with notice to all members.
Section 1 Board of Directors
The membership at large shall elect six (6) active members to serve as a Board of
Directors: they shall serve two years, three being elected every other year.
Section 2 Officers
The membership shall elect from its body a President. Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 3 Nominations for officers shall he held every two years starting with 2018 elections at the September meeting.
Section 4 Election of officers shall he held at the regular October meeting with newly elected officers assuming their duties in November.
Section 1 Duties of the President
The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and Board of Directors and shall perform the duties pertaining to the office. He/She may call special meetings of the members under the provisions of Article III. He/She shall be the Chief Executive of the Club.
Section 2 Duties of the Vice-President
In the absence of the president or in the case of his/her death, resignation or inability to act, the Vice-President shall perform the duties usually appertaining to that office. He/She shall also serve as Chairman of the Activities Committee and shall appoint two other members to this committee.
Section 3 Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and Directors and shall record all minutes and votes in a book kept for this purpose. He/She shall keep an up-to-date roll of all Club Members. Shall give all notices of meetings of the members required by law or these By-Laws and shall perform all duties incident to this office, required by law or by the majority vote of the Board of Directors. He/She shall have the custody of the Club’s records. In the absence of the Secretary from any of the said meetings, the presiding officer pro tempore shall choose a Secretary.
Section 4 Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall, subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be made by the Board of Directors, have custody of all moneys, debts and obligations belonging to the Club. He/She shall make all payments of Club debts upon approval of the Board of Directors. All contracts, checks, drafts, note or other orders for payment of money shall he signed in the name of the club by the Treasurer and counter-signed by the President or Vice-President. He/She shall give bond, at club expense, if required by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall give a report on the financial status of the Club at the Annual Meeting and monthly meetings, and if so requested, at any other meeting of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer without the specific approval of the Board of Directors shall incur no obligation, debt or other liability.
Section 5 Duties of the Officer-at Large
The Officer-at-Large shall serve on the Board of Directors. He/She shall also serve as Public Relations Chairman, having the privileges to appoint any associates, as he/she deems necessary. The Officer-at-Large shall perform all other duties, as the President shall see fit.
Section 1 Appointment of Committees
The President shall appoint such committees as he/she finds desirable from time to time and shall outline the duties and responsibilities of such committees. All reports or action taken by a committee must be voted by a majority of the entire committee. In addition to the authority granted above, certain standing committees, as set forth, shall be appointed annually by the Vice-President.
Section 2 Activities
The activities of the club shall consist of planned trips, social gatherings and events for Corvette Owners and Honorary Associate members as planned by the Activities Committee and other members appointed by them.
Section 1 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Club shall be from October 1st to September 30th
Section 1 Personal Liability
All persons or corporation extending credit to, contracting with, or having any claim against the Club or its Board of Directors, shall look only to the funds and property of the Club for payment of such contract or claim or for payment of any debt, damage, judgment or decree, or any other money that may otherwise become due or payable to them from the corporation or the Board of Directors, so that neither the members of the Club, the Board of Directors, present or future, shall be liable personally therefore.
Section 1 Amendment to the By-Laws
The Board of Directors of the Club, or any ten Active Members in good standing, by written proposals submitted to the Secretary, may propose an amendment to the By-Laws. Upon such proposal being made, a copy thereof shall be included in the notice of the next meeting of the members. If two-thirds of the members qualified to vote, vote in favor of the proposal at the meeting, the proposed amendment shall thereby be approved and adopted.
Article II Section 1 Member: changed “owners of Corvettes” to “owners (single or couple) of Corvettes” and”, removed “Applicants must”Article II Section 2 Class of Membership par. b Associate: removed “and/or NCC”.Article II Section 3 Dues par. b Membership: removed “First year”, changed “$45.00” to “$20.00”, changed “$55.00” to “$30.00”, changed “for single “ to “for a single”, changed “family” to “for a couple” and removed “subsequent years $35.00 for single $45.00 family”.
Article IV Section 2 Officers: removed “Governor”.
Article V Section 5 Duties of the Governor: removed whole paragraph.
Article V Section 6 Duties of the Officer-at Large: changed to Section 5.
Article IV Section 3 Added “every two years starting with 2018 elections”.
Revised 11/05 2018

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